Physics 3rd year - secondary (SE - LH)

Author Nidal el Alam, Ali Kanbar, Elie Choufani
Size 21 X 28 cm
Pages 136
Weight 400 g
Edition 2019
Series Scientifica Series
ISBN 978-614-435-251-9
Subject Physics
Language English
Age & Level 17+
Program Lebanese
Educational Materials Book, Teacher's Book
Digital Books Windows, Mac, Android
Copyright Habib Publishers

This book, from "Scientifica" collection for third year secondary level is divided into three units. Each unit contains a particular scientific field: Energy, Radioactivity and Nuclear Reactions, The Universe. This book is available as a digital interactive version with a teacher’s guide.
For each chapter, the student as an apprentice researcher is invited to question, observe, research, experiment, discover, and reach a clear answer to their hypothesis.

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